For My Love
old souls travel true
carrying needs mere and love
at hope we begin
dare explorations
intuitive directions
guidebook left behind
eyes of forest earth
browns to gentle greens between
nature spirits seen
through thicket unknown
when I am lost and afraid
your compass my North
fire sign fellow
Leos burning for the sea
star paths towards warm destined same
never still this yearn
tide sculpted destinations
shaping resolute
blue wet endless edge
in salted soak I am healed
your kiss my ocean
honor sun and soil
these long seasons of healing
tended roots flourish
wordless grace precedes
quieting spaces heartfelt
ambient allure
our grand canvas shared
sprawling splendid imperfect
colored soft sublime
this life on your page
and I soft papyrus held
sketched in love quiet
everything, all, and
with your hand fortune held long
my home your name
© Copyright William Hazel, 2023